Sunday, December 09, 2007

Only Ask God

O'God Let me die knowing I've touched the world
I've aimed to land on the sun, afraid of none
Let me die with purpose, with conviction
Let me be placed within the soil, the debris knowing my soul is full
O'God let me die having reached my fullest potential
Let me die looking the enemy in the eye knowing that I did try
Let me die having feared no one but you
Having trekked through knowing my return is only to you
O'God allow me to live fighting the war of good vs evil
Let me live in a world where good stands a chance to prevail
Let me live in on an earth that sees day and night as a purpose
Where birds and butterflies are not just words from a poetess
Let me live with an intellect and an understanding of truth
Let the boundries of this world be none around me
Let me be free to live for the the next life
Let me be strong and inspire to be stronger
Let me be caring and inspire to give more
O'God show me the way of the blessed
Show me true success!

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